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Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. We are in the business of repairing appliances, NOT selling people's information. We will not give or sell any of your information to anyone, except where required by law, generally requiring a court order. We will not contact you about services that you did not request. Our automated text messages are only to keep you informed of the status of an open service order with us. If you receive an automated message by mistake or wish to opt-out of automated messages, simply respond to the message with the word 'STOP' or 'END'. Similarly, your email address will only be used to send digital copies of your documents including estimates, payment receipts, pre-existing damage declarations, liability waivers, and final receipts. If a paper copy of a document is desired, we can send a copy via US Postal Service once the job has been completed. You can make a request for a paper copy to your technician, or by calling the office at (661)308-8144. Please allow 7 working days to process a request for a paper copy of a document.

Copyright (c) Antares Appliance Repair Inc. DBA Patriot Appliance Repair -- All Rights Reserved